domingo, 7 de abril de 2013

Restaurante Os Esquilos - Floresta da Tijuca

This weekend called for a special celebration and so I decided to visit a restaurant in the middle of The Tijuca Forest called "Os Esquilos" which means: the squirrels.
Unfortunately, we have had some serious incidents lately with tourists in Rio de Janeiro, one of them happened in the national park of Floresta da Tijuca. But today all was quiet and peaceful, and as always the forest enchanted.
We passed the Maracanã Stadium, almost ready now for the upcoming events, and continued through the borough of Tijuca. It never ceases to amaze me how in Rio one moment there is an asphalt jungle and the next there is a green one. So green, so dense, and up we went.
"Esquilos" is literally in the middle of the forest, a small, red house, resisting bravely in the humid environment of the atlantic rainforest. A bit in need of a coat of paint maybe, but charming, charming - just the way I like it!

The menu has plenty of typical Brazilian dishes, not fancy, but honest, good food. Like a steak with manioc puree and bananas wrapped in bacon.

Be prepared though, the restaurant does not work with credit cards, only cash.
But it was the old house and the location that fascinated me the most. The old tiles used for decoration, the beautiful garden, the forest all around - where branches and leaves created a pattern, a little bit of magic in the enchanted forest.

Um comentário:

  1. I knew it. I knew it. This is the one place in Rio we have not visited.
    (Among some others...)
    OK! Next time: Lets fill our pockets from the nearest ATM machine!

    Nice blog!

